A call came in during the COVID19 crisis about a lady who had not eaten in 4 days. She had reached out to other groups, but none were in position to help her. It was a difficult time, the County had just entered into a “Shelter at Home” order and she had run out of money from her monthly military disability check. She did not want a hand out, but certainly was in need of a “Hand Up”!
Hand Up Network is actively engaged with our Texas Emergency Response Partners and is called when a person tests positive for COVID19 and must go into quarantine. If they do not have family or friends to help them, Hand Up Network is stepping in to get food and essential items to them so they can maintain isolation. It’s a stressful time for all and there is no question that people are struggling to understand what is happening around them. This is especially the case for our Clients. Many do not have the ability to “Shelter at Home” or keep up the hygiene requirements on a regular basis. They also have no support system, other than Hand Up Network and we are filling this void.
This was the case for our disabled veteran. A quick assessment of her situation and a trip to the local grocery store have addressed her immediate needs. Tears were flowing and she will not be going to bed hungry. She will be coming into Hand Up Network to see how our mentoring and programs can help to ensure that she will not be in this position again.
It’s God work and we are honored to serve!

Photo used with permission
HAND UP NETWORK™ is a 501c3 non-profit based in Tyler, TX that has assembled an international team of leaders with decades of experience with a desire to come back home and bring focus to those in need in local communities. The Network offers long-term programs to people seeking a new season in life and response teams designed to address community issues and emergency response. The Network provides intentional volunteer opportunities for people wanting to provide support within their programs and opportunities to engage via Response Teams. The Hand Up Network was awarded the Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency for 2020! This is the highest level of achievement possible.