It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our Board Chairman, Del Roquemore.
Del was a catalyst that helped Hand Up Network develop into what it is today. Over the last 3 years, he has been actively engaged in supporting the ministry and served almost this entire time as Board Chairman, while also serving as a Mentor. During these three years, the ministry has directly impacted over 137,000 people and Del played a vital role in this service happening.
Del was a character and could put a smile on anyone’s face, many times while he was dealing with some very painful issues himself. None of that mattered as he stood at the ready to serve Jesus in any capacity he was called.
We are very sad to have lost our friend at such a young age, but he lived life to its fullest and refused to let the challenges slow him down. He fought through some very difficult times and yet set any battle aside to try and help his community and friends. I am honored to have called Del Roquemore my friend. He celebrates today with Jesus and there is no doubt in my mind that he is already stirring up heaven in celebration.
Hand Up Network CEO, Sam Smith released this statement upon receiving word:
“Del Roquemore was a very special man with the heart to serve those in need. Most importantly, Del was my Friend. We could not have been more different in personalities, but yet had a very unique bond whether talking about life or ministry. He never missed an opportunity to harass his friend, but would drop anything to come to my aid at a moments notice. A very special friend indeed.
Well done my Friend! We will miss you and please save me a place until we see each other again. Love you, Del!Our condolences go out to Loretta, Kori, Cameron, and Brendan. Your Hand Up Network Family stands with you during this difficult time as we honor the man we all love!”