Volunteer Levels

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 1 Volunteers require an advanced level of training for services that are program/topic‎ specific. These roles could be key components of the Hand Up Network Assessment Process or Technical Training needs where a specific skill or expertise is a pre-requisite for serving in the role.

Level 2 roles may still have skill/expertise requirements, they offer opportunities where individuals and groups may be able to fill the roles with limited need for advanced training. Volunteers can still expect basic training on process, execution and opportunity objectives.   Examples would be Teachers, Carpenters, Plumbers, Doctors, etc.

Level 3 Roles offer General Opportunities to volunteer with the Hand Up Network in roles that are extremely important but can be filled by volunteers with a variety of skills, age and life experiences.  Advanced training is not required, but roles are still vital to the overall goal.

Volunteer Levels

Level 1

Volunteers require an advanced level of training for services that are program/topic‎ specific. These roles could be key components of the Hand Up Network Assessment Process or Technical Training needs where a specific skill or expertise is a pre-requisite for serving in the role.

Level 2

Where these roles may still have skill/expertise requirements, they offer opportunities where individuals and groups may be able to fill the roles with limited need for advanced training. Volunteers can still expect basic training on process, execution and opportunity objectives. These roles will require specific timelines related to program success.

Level 3

General Opportunities to volunteer with the Hand Up Network in roles that are extremely important but can be filled by volunteers with a variety of skills, age and life experiences.

Volunteer Opportunities


Financial Stability

Job Readiness

Spiritual Life

Support Systems


Victim Services


Response Teams